Introduce Yourself

Hi @SamuelESofia no worry, there’s some advice on this here Scratch - FAQ under Accounts and then ‘How do I confirm my account’ that might be helpful <3 let me know if this helps you :sparkles:

Hi! I am Nams from India. I work as aa Academic Head with a primary school in New Delhi. I am pretty excited to be part of this community and looking forward to many new learnings.

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Hey everyone! My name is Blake and I’m a graduate student researcher in New York specializing in AI in Education. I am excited to learn more about how to create interactive learning experiences with AI’s everchanging technological tools. I’m hoping to learn some of the cognitive sciences and pedagogical choices behind creative learning mediums so that I can become better aware of the intricate design choices required in implementing future tools. Excited to meet you all and to learn from your ideas and experiences! :)

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delighted to meet you too Blake @blakecastle :wave: and definitely interested in hearing more about your work also!

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Hello everyone! My name is Prakash, i come from India, i work as a Product Manager in an online learning company based in India. I look forward to lots of new learnings from people here with best shared interests, like i am very passionate about new forms and ways of learning, and how to spread it.

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My name is Douglas Audirsch. I live and work in Houston, Texas. The topic of Learning and Creativity appeals to me as a leader in corporate learning. I am interested in how people learn and what I can do to facilitate their learning. It is easy to rely on the top-down teaching approach that I received all through school, but there are so many other ways to learn in self-directed paths that I want to incorporate that into my corporate learning programs. I hope to learn here first, and hopefully, contribute something useful.

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Hi everyone!!

My name is Victor and I’m a physics teacher from Brazil.
I am very interested in learning about Creative Learning.
I hope to learn with you all!!

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Hi, there @Victor_Junior , many others from Brazil here and you’re definitely in the right place :wave:

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This is Smiya from India and work with Pratham Education Foundation for the Creativity Learning project. I look forward to understanding, sharing and learning from everyone here about creative learning.

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Hi @Smiya it’s wonderful to see you and re-connect here! :hugs: I hope you enjoy exploring the community, even if we are “off-season” :smile: Feel free to share projects and reflections in the forum if you like —there’s always someone around who’s eager to check out and discuss what you’re working on!

Hi tehere! I’m Angie Mila, Comms Lead at Eidos Global. I’m from Argentina. Cheers to everyone!

Hi and welcome to LCL @angiemila :wave:

hello, everyone! :wave:

my name is Ayobami and i am from Lagos, Nigeria.

i am a product designer, lifelong learner and forever tinkerer. :grin: i’m also designing and developing activities to teach creativity to young people in my locality.

i hope to meet, collaborate with and learn from other creative learners.

i am excited to meet with you all! :heart:


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nice to meet you : ) awesome selfie @BamBam ! :sparkles:

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thank you so much! nice to meet you too

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Wow this is incredible! I’m so excited and grateful to have found this place!

My name is Andres from Mexico. I’m the Technology Teacher at my hometown Elementary School in Guadalajara.

I’m eager to learn how to become a better teacher and contribute to better our world with the aid of technology through the creative learning approach.

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that’s so wonderful to hear! Also welcome @sandr3s

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