[Reflection 6] I Used to Think, Now I Think

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We are curious to know how your ideas have evolved, based on the activities and discussions in LCL.

One way to reflect on your course and community journey is to fill in this sentence:

I used to think … but now I think …

In addition to filling the blanks, share your reflection:

  • What in your journey contributed to the shift in your thinking?
  • How might it influence your work?

Years ago, I used to think that learning should be an individual activity, with one’s own effort and focus being what should be assessed. Now I understand that learning is in fact a social (Peer) activity. I continue to process what that means for assessment. Students work together and learn together with projects for the best possible learning process, but as educators we are still expected to report on each individual’s achievement. That is tricky, and much easier with a focus on product rather than process, but I continue to attack it. I rely heavily on narrative reports at this point.

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Is play, as we describe it here at LCL, universal?

Instead of adding to “I used to think…now I think”, I am adding a question.
Listening to the video of this week and inspired by Malaguzzi’s poem, a whole train of thoughts was launched in my head. Yes, I follow the flow of the 4Ps, the cycle of Imagine, Create, Play, Share and Reflect. We are running projects on exactly these “innovations” in many countries, funded by mong others the Lego Foundation. But how universal are these principles? Or are we -again- taking too much of a Western approach to a global level?
Let me give an example: From my time in Viet Nam I remember that understanding and underlying principles and values on education have been based since centuries on Confucius and other Asian philosophers. Children are often seen as empty cups that need filling. That is the very important task of teachers. This -in itself- contradicts everything we have been discussing in LCL.
Ideas about education heavily influence ideas about play. Any experiences, ideas on this topic?


Well, I used to think that learning is about study study and study harder, actually that is just pushing ourselves too hard, now I think there’s other way for us to make “study” more fun with creativity combined with project, passion, peers, and play.

From this learning group activity I’ve learned many kind of new aspects in teaching and bring me to the gate of successfulness of learning method.

And special thanks to all of the participants here who have shared your experiences of teaching & learning, it gives me more of new insight.


I used to think the goal of the school were provide contents but now I think the school must prepare the students with habilities and competencies. You can find information in internet, but it is hard to a young students develop some skills like communication, team work, resilience by themselfes.
Integrating the CL and 4Ps in the learning practice can support this change.


I used to think that learning into something needs a big passion to preserve but now I think not only passion, choosing the right project that matches your interest, finding the right peers as they could help you give a different sight, and the last, enjoying whole time process of learning as a part of the play.

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LCL has given me the vocabulary to express something that I knew intuitively for some time: people don’t learn on an assembly line. The Creative Learning Spiral reminds me much more of the “real world” problems I’ve solved than, say, worksheets. I’m excited to introduce coding in my math and science classes next year!

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I used to think learning is study to be the best, but now I think with the four P’s and Creative Learning Spiral, I was able to enjoy learning with people I taught, discussing their ideas during learning process, giving them a chance to discuss with others.

Creative learning is somewhat new to me, given much of my career and professional experience involves higher education. I did not value, as I should have as much as I do now, the abundant benefits from the four Ps perspective. My work going forward will be more inclusive of such, and this LCL experience has given me more “tools” to consider regarding learning.

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I think that learning requires a balance between ideas and creativity.

From this learning group activity I’ve learned many kinds of new aspects in teaching and how to understand students more deeply.

Thank you to all LCL members and teachers who have provided material and shared experiences.

I used to think that relationship building with students was a goal and helped create a more positive learning environment. I now have moved relationship-building to the primary goal and know that my students are more open to learning, more invested, feel safer, and can absorb more in a supportive classroom or learning environment. It definitely makes me think of the Maya Angelou quote around “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” and think about how we can bring that into our classrooms. And in an intellectually engaging and rigorous way as well-students are not going to care who won the War of the Roses but if you teach them to think critically, if they feel supported and safe in probing and asking questions around cause and effect, etc., those are the skills they will take with them (and they are much more likely to take them with them if learned in a caring environment)

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@Seangarthurs so love this! :pray:

I used to think that learning was primarily about acquiring information and following a set curriculum, but now I think that learning is a dynamic and multifaceted process that involves exploration, collaboration, and creativity.

Shift in thinking: Engaging in discussions and activities in LCL exposed me to diverse perspectives and innovative approaches to learning. Interacting with peers and experts challenged my assumptions and expanded my understanding of what learning entails.

Influence on work: This shift in thinking has inspired me to adopt more student-centered and inquiry-based approaches in my work. I now prioritize creating environments that promote curiosity, critical thinking, and collaboration, allowing learners to actively construct their knowledge and skills.

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Hi @angiemila, love how you talk about your shift in thinking : )
and interested in hearing more about how this might influence some aspects of your work
:sparkles: wondering if you might be able to share more of your thoughts and ideas on that with us ?