LCL chat follow-ups?

We had such a great chat about bringing physicality and creativity into university level courses on Friday in English 3, I wanted to bring some of it into the forum.
Jabberwalking - poetry while walking, scribble it down, take what is legible to make into poems Charlie O’Shields uses sketching as an ideas medium - he’s just published a book of 60 ideas and has a free newsletter where he shares ideas from the book and some ideas that didn’t fit into this book.
How to Fly a Horse delightful read about creativity
Dance your dissertation - on youtube
Collect moodboards, pins on pinterest, saves on instagram as a launch point to inspire…. Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon
Community challenges
Danielle Krysa (the jealous curator) has a wonderful post about being pARTners The Jealous Curator /// curated contemporary art /// Search Results /// In tandem
One course (legislative history of education in Quebec oh fun fun fun…. Reading legislation ) the prof gave us more questions than one person could answer, told us ‘you need each other - partner up, divide and conquer and share” that group became my study pals - duress can prompt interdependence and support.
Please share your gems, your agreements, disagreements, insights and ideas…. I need to hear them. My students need me to hear them!


Hi, I missed all your emails and this is the first time I see an email. All emails go to the promotion tab in my gmail instead of the inbox. Apologies for not being active. What should I do to make all future emails go directly to my inbox? thanks

I think it depends on your system - in outlook, there is a little button - not junk and then I’m asked to report this address as not junk. I think the best thing may be to look up a tutorial for your device or system. So glad you found it! Welcome!

Thanks so much for sharing this @MissMissShelly !!! Great resources and such original ways of approaching processes of creation/learning!!!


Thanks for starting this thread @MissMissShelly , and for sharing notes and resources from your conversations in the last LCL Chat! So many great pointers, I hope others can do the same using this thread!

PS: I’ve started a new topic for the Gmail issues here with some suggestion I’ve already shared with Nadia, hope this helps!


Thank you for sharing @MissMissShelly !
I was excited by a kid inside Charlie O’Shields, the term pARTner is so meaningful and inspiring! it is really ART)
What about your prof and the task. I was trying something similar with different groups of students. The results were so different! Some groups were very excited by collaboration, exploring, and solving the problem and gave a good solution, but others were missed, they were not ready to communicate and to understand each other. no good solution in a result…
So, I agree such a way of learning, for me, is very interesting and useful but as a teacher, I understand that some students are not ready to feel free and to be creative. But I think it is not a way for all. An idea - to try with one small task. If the group are not ready - look for another way. Sometimes, I’m trying step by step - mixing groups, defining a leader, without a leader, giving very short instructions or showing direction… Therefore, giving task with different degrees of freedom :hugs: :wink: :upside_down_face:

I love your experimentation! Honestly, I believe we all have the capacity to be creative - it is like a mental fitness: when we don’t do it regularly, or if we overdo it, it makes us sore and grumpy. Grin. I think we have been conditioned to avoid discomfort in learning/teaching and it makes sense: people quit.
Joy, laughter, genuine friendship are the antidotes to the pain. How can we infuse our lessons with the means for our students to feel and to find these experiences? I use a fair bit of ‘trickster’ mindset in my courses, but like you said, what works in one group, doesn’t in another.
The ones who struggle with team work need it the most. I so agree with the step by step approach. At a workshop, the facilitator put out 3 different circles within circles red for ‘no way - are you trying to kill me?, yellow for maybe if I’m feeling up for it and green for easy peasy. He gave situations and asked us to stand on the rope of our response. There was a lot of movement and everyone had different responses. He described getting inner city kids ready for hard hiking by incremental steps. They checked out hiking boots, did a walk around the block in them, next time, a longer walk, then one with hills…
I think direct conversation about how and what we are learning is also important - not just the curriculum, all the social and mental processes involved in learning. And how do we as teachers recognize what a group needs? How can I integrate team work and creativity so it is an integral part of my learning, and not something that is burdensome? I loved the MOOc Learning about Learning on Coursera. The teachers are delightful and I’m really excited to watch Barbara Oakley’s latest video, part of a course called Mindshift. (I haven’t done that one!) It’s 4 mins long.


:heart: :sparkles:

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