[Activity 4] Meet someone!

I did not have a chance to get together with anyone this week, but I am planning to visit my 93-year-old aunt next week for some fun creative activities.

I do not get to visit her often, but when we meet we usually play piano and fold Origami together. Although there is a big age gap between us, spending time making something together bridges this gap and forms a wonderful bond between us!


I want to share about one of my passions. And it is not Scratch ;) As I remember I said about this at start, but this week topic is about meet with someone.
I want to say about geocaching. I’m involved in it almost 10 years. Ten years on fist day of June I found my first geocache.
During this ten years I meet a lot of passionate people, we stayed friends, no matter who we were (teachers, doctors, professors, kids )and have a lot of meetings (events) when we could talk about our hobby, talk about plans for the future - trip, explorations, making geocaches. Sometimes we were making appointments to go together geocaching. Sometimes we meet each other in the woods going for FTF (First To Find geocache).
I like organizing events, crazy events :smiley: For example joining World Wide Flash Mob and Towel Day.

On 25th of May I’m organizing another Towel Day geocaching event. We will meet with towels and in bathrobes at the coordinates on square in the city I live in and we will read together another chapters of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Sometimes people stare at us. I think they thought “what a crazy people” :)


Hi Yulia,

Do you want to share some inspiring passages? Or links? I often want to read some ed classics, but the idea of a whole book kills my temptation ;-)

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How beautiful that you can share those activities, wonderful :heart_eyes:


As for meeting up with people, this time of year is always the busiest, the only other time that comes close is beginning of the school year! :) Since I handle all the technology at my PK-5th grade school, I am left with very little free time.
However, my nephew just happened to come to town this weekend and we are meeting up for dinner tonight. He is a railroad engineer & his fiancee is a truck driver. Quite the pair! I haven’t met her yet, but my sister only has glowing things to say. I am excited to also catch up on all the wedding plans (wedding coming in two weeks!!!) and life in general.
Once school is out and things calm down, I would absolutely love to try to catch up with some of y’all here, especially @frjurado. I loved your song you posted! I may be in technology by trade, but my main degree is in music (though I have a degree in technology, business & electronics as well).


Thanks for your kind words, and love that you liked the song :notes: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

I haven’t written here yet because frankly I’ll have it difficult during LCL weeks, have not much time and limited internet access… But it’ll be easier later, and anyway LCL never ends :grin: And I’d love to meet you (and many others!) Also thinking about joining whatever p5js related meeting I can (cc: @JayElf), I’ve tinkered very superficially, but it attracts me a lot.


This sounds wonderful @steggie :heart:

All sounds very very much fun @pawelbednarczyk! : D

Thanks for your warm story @steggie ! It is great “spending time making something together bridges this gap”. I always remember my old grandpa and how I liked to play with him, my old aunt and how we cooked together, my old grandma and her great historical stories from her life… That was many-many years ago, but I understand, all these memoirs make my life warmer and lighter. Greetings for your aunt and maybe, waiting for a picture with your new Origami :love_letter:


I love it Jenny! (took me this long to click the link… blush oh well) and it is what excites me about teaching… each class a mini community with the possibility for collective growth and collaboration. So interesting. It is what I have been looking for… a scene where my ideas rub against others and get exciting… where creativity sparks larger because of the exchanges.


Hi Vladena,

Thank you for the question:). The authors I mentioned I read in Russian but let me think and see what I can find. I find reading famous educators’ biographies inspiring, too. Janusz Korczak comes to mind first with his progressive ideas and heroic act of not leaving the children on the way to Treblinka during WWII. And that story itself just speaks about him as a human being and as an educator with the biggest heart . “King of Children: The Life and Death of Janusz Korczak” by B.J. Lifton is his biography. He also wrote “Playful Pedagogy” which I have not read but now feels like a good time to read it, talking about the four P’s:). I’m not sure I’ll be able to single out some passages but I’ll see what else I can find and get back to you.

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I had a meet with my students (MSc and PhD) and we discussed how we can integrate the remix strategy in ours scratch activities with children and educators. We will create remix moments in our classes.


Hey there Marcos. We could a video conference with our students :-)

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So: I’ve been pretty busy during last week, but you Peers keep floating in my mind. Also, I have limited internet access, so meeting someone online is difficult right now…

Anyway, I’ve been chewing over something, not (mainly) a remix neither (technically) a meeting, but definitely peer-centered!

And I would need your collaboration :grin:

I’ve been tinkering with this music sketch (every idea seems musical these days) and I’d love to have some of your spoken voices on top of it, a messy crowd of LCL-Kindness. So… if you’d like, you could record something, just a quick sentence about this fabulous LCL-Land, in whatever language you feel comfortable, and I’ll try to assemble them onto the music…

[EDIT] Gathering some ideas:

  • Greeting to the LCL community ( Welcome to LCL-Wonderland! )
  • Gratitude toward some participant, your language sub-community, or the community as a whole ( Thanks to our ever-inspiring Brazilian Community! )
  • Your experience in this community ( I love LCL because … )
  • Some inspiring quote from the readings ( I fell in love with the gears… )

…or any other idea you have in this spirit :sparkling_heart:

& please, do not hesitate to use your own language, the more the better!

If you’d like to join the experiment, I’ve created a Scratch project so we can remix and record ourselves!

I’ll try to have something before LCL ends (though it never does, really…). :notes: :heart_decoration:


…Learning Creative Learning really does never end : ) …it spirals :cyclone:


What a cool idea @frjurado, I’d love to (literally) join the chorus! :grin:

I’m not sure if I understand the prompt correctly, though!
These are some possibilities that came to mind as I was thinking at LCL-Kindness from LCL-Land:

  • a message of gratitude for another participant
  • a greeting to the whole LCL community in our language
  • a comment on our experience on LCL
  • a quote from the readings that resonated
  • an audio recording from a Scratch project

Do they make sense? Any other suggestion to add to the list?
Looking forward to seeing this project spiraling out! :cyclone: :musical_note: :sparkling_heart:

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Thanks Carmelo!

I’m not sure myself of how far the prompt can go! :laughing: In my head it sounded like (multilanguage) greetings, sort of “Welcome to …”, “LCL means … to me”, “Love LCL because …”, “You’ll always come back …”

But many of the things you mention sound cool too, I love gratitude messages & quotes specially. I would only keep it reasonably short (more in the phrase than paragraph range).

Anyway, you never know how these things spiral out! :cyclone: :cyclone: :cyclone: :cyclone:


Added a Scratch project here with some music so we can remix and record easily!

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hi! i am vanesa espinosa from Colombia. i am teacher, my watsap 57 3186276835
Someone want to talk? thanks

I’ve met up with my sister and we have discussed together making a video project but it still in discussion, what I have enjoyed from this is we can easily understand each other without much explanation and we have not been communicating much since last month.