[Activity 3] Create a project connected to your interests

Here’s my project for this week.


Since I love dogs because of their cuteness. So, I make a scratch project about Spacedog that can collect stars and crystals, in order to get a point.

In this project, you must get 25 points to win and if you get less than 25 points, unfortunately, you will lose the game and you have to start the game all over again.

I got this project Idea from my workplace material. And the challenge that I have encountered while making this project is when you have to add sound and adding suitable backdrops to the game. Because in my opinion, if the sounds and the backdrop aren’t working with each other and don’t collaborate well. The game won’t be entertaining.

That’s pretty much it!

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Creo que orientar a los padres para que no dejen solos a los niños en sus actividades escolares, sientan el acompañamiento

I wanted to explore simulations in Scratch, so I made the Earth orbit around the Sun using a little trigonometry. The moment I figured out the “right” sequence for the xylophone phrase filled me with joy :smiling_face: This first iteration wasn’t particularly challenging, so I’m excited to push my Scratchin’ abilities with a 3D remix!


You might enjoy The Nature of Code – it’s a personal favorite.

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I have used scratch before, but could not come up with a great idea for a project. I tried looking through samples & I just could not get inspired. I thought about what my own two little ones like to do, run around and kick the ball around so I made a “game” where you can “kick” the soccer ball. Much like when the kiddos kick, the ball seems to go a different direction than intended, this does the same. It’s not much, but will keep working on it as time allows and see if I can’t tweak some things & maybe even get it to say “GOOOOOOOAAAAAL!”

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Thanks Jenny… it ended up being something completely different! A long conversation about spirituality and I did some little sketches of collected tree buds (likely stolen squirrel snacks) when I got home.

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Love this idea so much! Love journals of any kind, so think one made in Scratch is a fantastic idea for LCL! :heart_eyes:

…and @frjurado this music always makes me feel very very happy :grin: :sparkling_heart:

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Ooo sounds interesting : )
(I like both conversations about spirituality and squirrels!)

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Oh I love the idea of using Scratch as a presentation medium/journal!


Awesomeness! Thank you for continuing the conversation while simultaneously being intentional, thoughtful, and creative.


I’ve created an animation representing a proposal I set up at my school with the Blue Blocks! I’ve come to love this material as a creative and provoking space, especially after watch the documentary Abstract with the designer Cas Holman. I connect with the idea of providing interesting contexts and open ended materials that permit trial and error, creative play, problem solving, and investigation! (and much more)

Learners were invited to explore with balls and cardboard pieces as ramps and paths.

A moment of frustration was figuring out how to add layers to the picture so I gave the impression on the ball going through the hoops. It didn´t turn out as clean as I wanted, but oh well! What motivated me to keep going was thinking I wanted to share something that seemed like a convincing animation of what happened to the balls as we played there!

This was a challenge for me, but I like the result :slight_smile:



Lovely project, I think your translation from blocks to scratch is very creative!

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What motivated you in creating this project?

I went into the project exercise with an exploratory lens. I am new to scratching per se. So I tempered my expectations. I found the platform easy, fun, full of possibilities, and provoking inspiration.

So, my motivation is purely exploratory and to further my understanding on all things Scratch.

Can you describe a moment of joy or frustration?

Regarding joy, it was the pure fun of it all. Tempered expectations. No boundaries. No assignments or grading are associated. Just pure fun, and as a result, beyond the actual “how-to,” there was no right or wrong.

Regarding frustration, experience remains the best teacher. So, as I get more comfortable and attend a plethora of Scratch-related experiences, the design/creativity/innovation aspect of my background can be better utilized and on display in a great manner.

What helped you persist in face of challenges?

The love of and for learning.

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I loved your project and I remixed it. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Good night @bea! I loved your project.
Look what I did. Thanks!

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@telmaconti this is such a cool effect! :heart_eyes_cat:

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@Mohona couldn’t resist a further play… I don’t know that I’ve ever ‘finished’ a Scratch project aside from Birthday collaborations that have a timeline. grin.
I don’t know if I am happy with the outcome, I feel a little nauseated by the different directions spinning and off-center asymmetry but was able to get the 3 sprites interacting in ways I find interesting. I saw people with homemade kaleidoscopes filled with natural items: flower petals is what I remember most and this keeps coming to mind when I think of this project.

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Wow Shelly I am glad you gave it a second thought but where is the link to the project? Let me see…. Sounds interesting and I am sure you’ll do justice to it especially with the effect … I get that off center symmetry thing…. I struggled with that too at the first instance… but kudos to you … can’t wait to see how my artist friend will make a better depiction :blush::+1:t2:

Oh gracious! Here is the link!

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/685299777 I don’t know that it is a better depiction although I do feel the power of peers - that I had to go in again and try to balance more and get the colours working. Fun to start introducing letters as forms… this has endless possibilities! Not sure if it’s a question of reload but I seem to have lost the sound….


Me inspiré en la película Tierra de osos


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