[Activity 1] Childhood Objects

I don’t have any object I would remember similarly to the story “Gears of my Chilhood”, but I remember I loved to make stories with the toys I had (like toy story :smile:), I remember I used to recreate also some fragments of the dramas my mom used to watch and also from the books I used to read. And when I could, I started doing clothes for my toys, I made elegant dresses and different costumes by myself, was so funny!

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@Jubust my brother and I would make up stories with our toys too, sometimes inspired by books or tv also :open_book: :sparkles: think with us it was a way to understand stories, to better understand people’s motivations and actions within them, and in the world

We like to play everyday with a lot of things as soccer and play with our Pets and every kind of animals :soccer: :guide_dog: :soccer: :guide_dog: :soccer:

As a kid I use to wait for my summer break because we use to travel in summers. I just love travelling in train and being on station :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I use to wonder where all people are going and how differently behaving and dressed up I use to be very happy and curious even now :grin: stations and train makes me happy.

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@BraveP yes, make me happy too :grin:

My childhood toy was most definitely Legos: specifically, a tub of Legos that my Aunt had gifted me when I was a toddler.

Throughout my childhood, I bought an abundance of Legos: from the Technic sets to the medieval castles, everything was on the table. The real creativity inspiration for me came in when I completed these sets and needed new pieces “to add to my story”. Whether it was a grand adventure or a rescue mission, some setting was required, and settings require additional pieces. I dug around this aforementioned tub of Legos for hours on end, creating multifarious scenes of my story. This experience was my largest learning experience for “deviating from the instructions” and learning to create my own world, testing its boundaries with each step.


Hola. Uno de los objetos que pudo haber influido más en mí debió ser un robot de juguete, que de hecho aún conservo. Tenía piezas armables, la cabeza, el cuerpo, las manos, en lugar de piernas se movía sobre una base que tiene 4 ruedas. Se arma sobre una base, a modo de columna vertebral. Tiene muchas tuercas, incluso tiene su propia llave para ellas. Eso seguramente me ayudó mucho con mi motricidad y con mi imaginación. No lo había analizado desde estos puntos de vista, pero si lo conservo es porque tengo alguna especie de lazo afectivo para con él. Descubrir todo esto ha sido emocionante y estoy muy agradecido por esto. Soy profesor universitario y tomaré esto en cuenta para mi accionar docente. Gracias.

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@jcabrera53 so love what you say here… how seeing this from new angle has been an exciting discovery :sparkles:… and how the toy robot inspired wonder :robot:
Me encanta lo que dices aquí… cómo ver esto desde un nuevo ángulo ha sido un descubrimiento emocionante :sparkles:… y cómo el robot de juguete inspiró maravillas :robot:

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Gracias @JayElf te cuento que tu comentario me ha sorprendido y agradado mucho, tanto que he decidido buscar una foto del robot y ponerla aquí, míralo:

El tiempo ha hecho mella en él pero aún está aquí conmigo! Un fuerte abrazo para ti!

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wow, larger than i imagined but just as cute … :robot: well loved and wondrous still :sparkles:… thank you for sharing a photo… you have already made my day! :pray: big hug to you too @jcabrera53
Vaya, más grande de lo que imaginaba, pero igual de lindo… :robot: bien amado y maravilloso aún :sparkles:… gracias por compartir una foto… ¡ya me alegraste el día! un abrazo grande para ti también :hugs:

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I had several full size, bearded G.I. Joe action figures along with many accessories, vehicles, and buildings when I was a child. I spent countless hours acting out adventurous scenarios playing the various parts and exploring their world with them. It touched a creative part of me that also longed for adventure. I acted out what I wanted to do: daring missions, dangerous rescues, etc. I think it gave me a way to express a form of creativity in my life at a very influential time in my development. Also, it stoked in me a desire for adventure.

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Meus objetos de infância estavam na cozinha. Quando pequena brincava de fazer comidinha com terra, folhas e panelinhas improvisadas. Mais tarde passei a fazer o faz de conta acontecer!

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Wow, this looks so yummy @Edneia :yum: can almost taste it :sparkles:
Uau, isso parece tão gostoso :yum: quase posso sentir o gosto :sparkles:

This is the object that I loved the most when I was a child, I remember building a lot things with my imagination.

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oh yes, me too : ) :houses:

When reading the text I remembered several games from my childhood that gave me several discoveries, such as taking my toys apart and trying to put them back together (sometimes there were some pieces left over…lol) that served as models for new learning. But, among the various games, one object that I think still influences me today were clay bricks, where I used matchboxes to shape bricks made of earth and water. I am a mathematics teacher and one way that helped me a lot to understand mathematics was like playing with assembling a wall made of clay bricks, because during the assembly of these walls triangular shapes appeared which I find very interesting, and this shape appears for example when calculating a numerical expression or even the solution of an equation.

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I don’t have a specific memory of a particular toy. But I do remember loving role-playing games: pretending to write on the computer and acting as if I were working in an office.

Something else I loved, and still love today, is the crafty world: I used to make my own agendas (personalized covers, with papers and clippings from magazines, etc.). I also learned to knit and embroider from a very young age, and I have a great passion for both.

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Magnets! Magnets seemed like magic to me. I remember a toy that my dad had, it was like a stress reliever with a magnet on its base and many little (rolled oatmeal size) metal bits shaped in a trapezoid that you could be manipulated to create shapes like towers, tunnels, etc.

It influenced me in discovering and learning about structures, gravity, shapes and obviously magnetic forces: poles, repelling, transference, strength.

I actually found it the other day (35 years later) in my dad’s den I will post a photo later!

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oh wow! can see what you mean @sandr3s …hehe, this looks like something that’d draw me in to keep on playing around with too… :magnet: