[Activity 1] Childhood Objects

@hatice_60 yes, love that it can be just anything you can imagine! :package: :sparkles:

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I had a pair just like that too. My friends and I had lots of fun using them, but we had to make sure there weren’t any pebbles on the sidewalk, or step quickly. Thanks for the memories!

That looks like a PET Commodore 64! I remember when they first came out! I even typed my high school graduation announcements on ours. Fond memories.

Would love to hear your music box play someday!

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I loved to build things with Matador. And I can remember that I could not understand why my younger brother always got the extension sets. But fortunately he did not mind when I played with his stuff.


© Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0

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I never knew about Matador as a kid, but now my son was given one as a gift, and I can’t wait for him to start tinkering with it! :joy:

As a child, I would love disonaurs. There was a magazine colletction, every sample came along with a piece to put together a dinosaur fossil. I was crazy about it:


There were so many childhood objects that I remember tho. Tamagotchi was the most impressive to me. Before the mobile phone came, It was with me everywhere and anytime! I totally forgot “my best close friend”. Recently one of my friends took this and I was like wow…Is it still alive? My best friend is super upgraded. It’s not only a colored screen but touchable. Can you imagine it? No more black and white pixel screen, It’s a full-color LCD screen. Even though I grow up already, It makes my heart beat again :slight_smile: BFF


The key childhood object that comes to mind for me is paper and crayons. This was what I often chose as my go-to activity and what was usually given to me by the adults in my life as a main source of entertainment.

As a younger child, I was sometimes frustrated when drawing bc I didn’t feel like I could draw the image that was in my head, but even then drawing was also therapeutic for me and was something that I could do for hours at a time. I found abstract drawing vs. representative drawing as a slightly older child. And when I became a teen, my favorite classes were art classes where I learned drawing techniques and could use charcoal and pencils, and experienced a sense of satisfaction in representing on the paper what I saw in my head.

My mom is an illustrator which was a huge influence as to why drawing was a standing ingredient throughout my childhood. I feel grateful to have found my own connection to drawing and art-making vs. trying to stand exactly in her footsteps, and I feel lucky to have had her encouragement in this area. My approach is more rough around the edges and craft-like - my mom’s style is sophisticated and refined. This observation and experience helped me to develop appreciation for different styles of making art vs. comparing one to the other, or seeing one as better than the other.

Drawing is still one of my main modes of expressing myself - I often draw in my journals, or draw pictures when I am trying to work out an idea. I am a believer that anyone can draw - embodying their own style.

This reflection activity is inspiring me to pull out the big bag of crayons that I have. Crayons are so cool - there are so many varieties of colors, the texture and depth of color is so fun - it can be strong, using muscle to create potency and fill the page or can be light, airy, and smooth. Crayons are forgiving and they are really fun to layer with. I am going to draw today - I really thank you for the prompt and the space to share.


@Shay this is so inspiring! Thankyou :pray:

Last time on LCL, the childhood object I chose to write about was a book by Tove Jansson, Hur gick det sen, Boken om Mymlan, Mumintrollet och Lilla My (in English The Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little My). A later favourite by the same author was Vem ska trösta knyttet?, which was published when I was ten years old. I just found a youtube video about the English version, Who Will Comfort Toffle?, which I like so much that I want to share it with you (hope I managed to give the link in a usable way :upside_down_face:)



@dodekagonia, I’ve just finished watching the video you posted… and oh my goodness, that is so beautiful! I’d never heard of that story before, so thankyou so much for sharing it with us :heart: :pray:


Thank YOU !!

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I’ve always loved paper ever since I was little. Following the step-by-step folding instruction, I used to do fold paper everyday! I was fascinated by the fact that I can transform a flat sheet of paper into an animal, a bird or other interesting three dimensional object. I am sure my love of creating things with my hands started with Origami, and Its painstaking precise folding process taught me how to be patient.

I still love folding papers.


Amazing! I´ve never seen an origami elephant before. :clap:


One of my dearest and oldest hobbies, and something I devoted quite a lot of time in my childhood, Origami… Thanks for reminding me this!


I used to love playing with animal families and make up stories with my cousins. Growing up I would wake up early in the morning and “help” milk the cows and riding horses, playing with dogs and cats. My parents bought me scientific books about animals and this has become a central part of me and my teachings style.Lion toys


This is the drawing that I made inspired by this prompt !

I kept my crayons out for a few nights & added to my drawing when I wanted to. It was a good relaxation activity in the evenings. One of my goals was to bring as little cares as I could to the way that it looked / the finished product & to simply enjoy making it. I forgot how much pressure you need to put on the crayons sometimes to get the color you envision. At the end I used my nail to scratch off a bunch of the wax leaving the paper feeling really silky. This is the cover of my LCL notebook now ! Such a good reminder to bring out my crayons !!


I do not have a specific object but a game - in kindergarten the other kids were playing house : one was the dad, the other was the mum, the third was the child - I think all kids all over the world play it. I was fascinated! “How do you play this game? How are the rules?” I asked. I was shocked and also intrigued that this was a game where you could make up your own rules, that you were allowed to invent your own characters and “play” them. This feeling of shock and excitement is still very special to me. You are allowed to invent your own games! What an opportunity!


Welcome to LCL! One of my main interests is playing with mathematics :upside_down_face:.

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