WeScratch #2 Recording - Share the Love

Thanks to all those who joined WeScratch today!

Today’s activity was Share the Love
we made Scratch projects about something or for someone we love.

Here is the recording of the session .

Shout-out to Debbie’s awesome dancing in the intro, I only noticed it when I watched the recording! :dancer:
In the middle part you’ll find a bonus squirrel game I made with Byrdie while we were waiting for people to come back from their breakout rooms. :chipmunk:

We shared all projects in this Scratch studio. You can browse and look inside other people’s projects, comment, add to favorite, remix, or add your own project to the studio!

If you joined the live session you can share your feedback through this google form!
If you watch the video recording please share your comments or questions replying to this post!

Scratch On! :heart_eyes_cat: